Tuesday, 15 April 2014

PP&M: Blog entry  28

I decided that for the assessment I would print this MVC piece off quite large. when ever I had shown it to people they mentioned that it seemed like it would be best shown on a larger scale. I agree, and it would be nice to see it that way, instead of on a tiny computer screen where you can't fully see it. I hoe that when it's bigger, it will feel more consuming, like trying to find the meaning in this even though there is absolutely no meaning what so ever ( and I tired to figure out if there was a meaning, and why Borges chose MVC - but there really is none as far as I can see).
I did briefly experiment with font with this piece - but i don't really think it made much difference. the only other one I liked was Symbol, but then of course, that changed the text so that you didn't know what it was had been left behind. Which I suppose could have worked, but really I like it with the MVC because I think I've become a little obsessed with figuring out what the bloody hell it means too. I digress; I've stayed with Times New Roman, mainly because it is the most common type for  book and most easily recognisable - and I think every time I have read this story, it has been in Times New Roman.
 All I need to do now is decide between the black and the white; I like them both for different reasons, but I can only afford one (and two side by side would be silly) so forcing me to make this decision is good thing really.
 I think I am leaning more toward the black...the piece does look like stars and constellations  relating back nicely to the library being the universe, and I think the black emphasises this more. I also think the black relates more to the themes and mood of the library (deaths, suicide, the darkness, also makes me think of older books that would have a plain black page signifying the death of some one in the book). But then when I look at them together, I just prefer the white. I just seems cleaner.
I just made this today, so i'm going to leave it alone until the end of the week and maybe send it off to be printed Thursday or Friday, and think about it then.

MVC whole text - black

MVC whole text - white

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