Thursday, 3 April 2014

PP&M: Blog entry  26

I just found this! These are by Sam Winston, and are just lovely. In the pieces shown below he uses different techniques; printing, the other, collage and drawing.
Collage is not something that had crossed my mind for this project before, but is something that I might now consider working with.

Sam Winston, Backwards (, 2014)
Sam Winston, Backwards, detail (, 2014)

Sam Winston, Backwards, Print and plate (, 2014)

Sam Winston, Romeo and Juliet, collage (, 2014)
Sam Winston, Romeo and Juliet, collage (, 2014)
Sam Winston, Romeo and Juliet, collage (, 2014)
Sam Winston, Romeo and Juliet, collage (, 2014)

Sam Winston, Darwin (, 2014)

" I initially separated the text of these two books into nouns verbs, adjectives & other. I wanted to present a visual map of how a scientist and a poet use language – a look at how much each author used real world names (Nouns) and more abstract terminology (Verb, Adjective and Other) in their writings."
(, 2014)
Sam Winston, Darwin, detail (, 2014)

"Once I had a count of the 153535 words used in Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, I set about drawing a dot for every word... 4H pencil was used to represent the 50567 words which were categorized as ‘Other. 2H pencil was used to represent the 38266 words which were categorized as ‘Noun’. HB pencil was used to represent the 26 435 words which were categorized as ‘Verb’. 4B pencil was used to represent the 38266 words which were categorized as ‘Adjective’"
(, 2014) 
Sam Winston, Darwin (, 2014)
Sam Winston, Darwin (, 2014)
I love the methodical detail applied by Winston to this piece; changing it completly and presenting it in a new way to the viewer. 2014. Sam Winston : Home. [online] Available at: 
[Accessed: 3 Apr 2014]. 2014. Sam Winston : Backwords. [online] Available at:
[Accessed: 3 Apr 2014]. 2014. Sam Winston : Romeo & Juliet. [online] Available at:
[Accessed: 3 Apr 2014]. 2014. Sam Winston : Darwin. [online] Available at:
[Accessed: 3 Apr 2014].

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