Monday, 1 December 2014

REALISATION: Blog entry 28

I started using this pattern with out much explanation or thought, but the more I have used it, the more important it has become.
When I started working in a simplified style, I struggled with how to tackle the bits of the birds that were multiple colours. This idea worked for birds that were already simple, block colours, such as kingfishers, and herons, but with little brown speckled things, this was more difficult. Looking at the work of Hella Jongorious, and the Royal Crown Derby paperweights, I started using a pattern that  would replicate the shape and texture of the feathers, and their natural pattern.
I like having this reference to natural pattern (camouflage, and natural textures and patterns) within my pattern; I feel like it links the two different types of pattern. The original and natural, from which we have built on to create something of our own. I am using pattern to help conserve nature, and the origin of pattern.

Feathers pattern

I have just been doing this roughly up to now, but now I'm starting to make my final patterns, I thought I'd better start doing it properly. So I made this pattern to use within my final patterns. 

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