Thursday, 28 August 2014

CONCEPT: Blog entry 41

AS part of my research, I decided to look in to what else there is around the red list...books, articles etc. In my previous research I had found a couple of books, one of them being While Flocks Last by Charlie Elder (Elder 2009) which focuses on one mans journey to track down all of the birds on the Red List. Although this book works as a story of Elder's life for the year that he spent finding all of the birds, it does offer a lot of information on each bird, and why they are on the Red List. Also there was the RSPB bird guide itself which highlights which species belong to the red, amber and green categories - I also found this feature in another bird guide; The Kids' Book of Garden Birds (Sahai, 2013). There is also a small book of poetry about the Red List, The Red List: A Poem (Cushman, n.d.), but, apart from these few examples, I haven't found any other books that reference the Red List - never mind a guide book that focuses entirely on the Red list.
Like wise, I wasn't able to find many articles on the subject, just a couple from around the time the RSPB announced the Red List. There is this one (Adam, 2009) on the guardian...but there is very little on the Red list.

This project will serve to fill that gap. It will offer more information on the Red List itself, and also the birds, but not just the information on the species, like most other guides, but why they are featured on the Red List, and why it matters. I want it to spread the word, and make more people bothered about this. I need to find away to give the subject a wide appeal; I'm hoping that I can do this through my style of illustration.

Adam, D. (2009). Cuckoo joins official list of UK's most endangered birds. [online] the Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 27 Aug. 2014].

Cushman, S. (n.d.). The red list. 1st ed.

Elder, C. (2009). While flocks last. 1st ed. Oxford: ISIS.

Sahai, S. (2013). The Kids' Book of Garden Birds. 1st ed. Square and Circus.

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