Tuesday, 12 August 2014

CONCEPT : Blog entry 34

I tried out the idea I had the other week, (can be found in this blog post) this just looks pants...I only did this quickly, just to try it out in photoshop..but still; totally awful.

Experimentation in Photoshop
And the more I think of this idea..the more I'm sure this one will be a flop too. The idea was to do a series of short stories on the urban fox, badger culling etc... these were to be aimed at children but also informative for adults. 
That, kind of could have possibly worked..but then I started thinking about how the hell to make the subject of badger culling suitable for children. I'm not sure it can, at all. This stye doesn't exactly fit or work either.

I did do this, which I liked;
Which is basically just an addition to an earlier piece. But that doesn't get me any closer to knowing what I'm going to do next semester.

I keep thinking about getting started on my PPF and PDP, in between working on my dissertation...but I honestly don't know what to put in it.

I keep coming back to birds..birds and foxes. What can I do with that?

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