Monday, 23 June 2014

CONCEPT : Blog entry 16

Notes from concept panel:
- Do you need to work against conventions of traditional guidebooks? Challenge them? > going in to illustrator
- Sewell watercolours, quite childlike, cautious about not turning away hardcore birders with more representational images of birds and animals.
- Would it be better to settle on birds or location?
location; wildlife of the area??
- Think about who the audience is that don't want the traditional..
- more modern approach; would typography be a more challenging way to tackle it?
- probably aiming towards a younger audience
- Look beyond guidebooks > BBC spring watch
- style of badger and cockatiel images > simple/abstract
- worried about the idea of a will it challenge us??
- photography presentations of guidebooks
- David Attenborough books
- flight patterns flocks, shape whilst in flight..silhouette?
- key qualities of the species that can make it simple and easy to identify, really break it down
- sound? for the visually impaired
- Graphic/simplistic images


I've still got a lot to think about from todays comments.
From these however, I've had the idea of just doing a document (book/guidebook/whatever) not necessarily a 'guide' on a location, which can include history and species information relevant to that site.
For just messing around and research purposes, I'm going to start with Attenborough Nature reserve near Nottingham; mainly because its close, but also because it has a big visitor centre, and I know they are doing lots of work with the RSPB to help with conservation. 
My plan is to take my camera equipment, sketchbook, paints and a picnic, and spend the day there and see what comes out of it. Gather as much information as I can from the visitor center, and report back. I think I'll be doing this tomorrow, as it might be the last day for decent weather this week.

For today though, I want to have a bash at doing some really simple images of birds with block colours in photoshop/illustrator.
Thinking about little bits from the concept panel, I also have a few other little things that I want to try out too, and see how that works; I'll add these later..with any luck.

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