Monday, 24 March 2014

PP&M: Blog entry  24

Today I have had tutorials regarding CW2  for the Debates module, and for the Personal Practice module.

In the my personal practice tutorial, I talked about my past few pieces of work, and have decided to pursue the idea of selecting, editing and obscuring the text (Blog entry 23 & blog entry 18) in the coming weeks I will experiment more with this idea, try different things, have a look at some typography artists to get some ideas, and see where this takes me. At the minute my plan is to pick out a few main things from the text (maybe..infinity, 26 characters, the punctuation - I need to think about it more, and maybe re-read the text again) and produce something similar. I also need to look into getting this printed on a larger scale, and begin working to that scale (find out how much/how long it takes for this too). I think having this on a larger scale just makes the viewer see it differently. For the whole project we have all been reading prints outs of have a large image of the text presents it in a whole new light, lets you see it differently. I was set on the idea of producing a book, or a series of books, but now I'm starting to see the value of having this piece printed on a much larger scale, as far away and un book like as possible, to make the viewer see the text in a different light.

However, all of this may have a wait a little, with CW2 looming, and due next friday, I really need to focus on that, especially seeing as all I have right now is a pile of books to read and some rubbish ideas. We also have the concept panel coming up the Monday i really should crack on with that too. I plan to make a couple more little experiments, to further explain my point, and show where this idea is taking me, and in my presentation will discuss my future experiments, possibly show them to get opinions; I cant decide between a normal white background black text approach, or the black background with white text; which lends it's self more to ideas surrounding the universe...I need to think about this more, see some of my experiments on a larger scale, I'm sure it will become clear which way I go when I see it.

On the upside, being so busy with other aspects of the course might give me the little break I need from this work to be able to move forward with it. And of course, once these two things are out of the way I can crack on and get some serious work done, however the blog might be quiet for the next 2 weeks.

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