Thursday, 27 November 2014

REALISATION: Blog entry 26

I think I've settled on this style to create my final pattern with. I think that it's simple enough (for use across a wide range of products an materials), and convey's the type of bird (initial RSPB Red List idea), while also having that that cute/crafty aesthetic that is so fashionable (wide audience appeal). This style covers everything I need it to, but there are still a few things I need to work out before I can make my final pattern and start producing the things that will make up my outcome - and this is what I've been doing this morning...

Black and white lines  - experimentation

This is the style that I have been working with so's really simple, and has worked on everything so far, but is it a little boring? If I lay this over the top of any of my other patterns, will it work? And would it look better with colour? Would colour help the viewer identify the bird as a sparrow? it is, this splits up well over different materials products - the black and white works particularly well painted on the tea cups, how will it work in colour?? 
Colour and line - experimentation

Although I like the small bits of block colour in combination with the thin lines, I don't think that this is going to be as effective as the other experiments in a pattern, it just doesn't seem to work as well, or have the same kind of impact that the other experiment have. 

Block colour - experimentation
I think the blocks of colour definitely work better than just the lines, I think if I do this in colour, I'll chose to do it this way. However, I can't decided which I prefer out of this style and just the Black and white lines. I think they both have different qualities, and they both work well...what I need to do is make further patterns with each style, and see which I prefer. I'm also going to get some coloured porcelain paint, and how well this style translates on porcelain (because I already know that the black and white style works really well. I also need to experiment with my background do these work when used with this style (something that I actually haven't looked at yet). I also need to see how each of these designs prints on to brown paper, as this is what I am intending on making my packaging out of to convey the idea of a recycled/environmentally friendly product (bought paper the other day, should come in the post soon). 

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

REALISATION: Blog entry 25

 Today I also started thinking about how I would create my packaging - I want it to be (sort of) environmentally friendly, so I've been thinking of doing everything with paper bags, paper envelopes (etc.) have been looking for templates today, and just had a quick go with this too see how it works. This is ok, but not quite the shape I had in mind...I need to do a little more hunting and work - also order my materials as well as decided upon a pattern that will go across all of my products.

Also, while making this, I thought about how it could be nice to have little stickers to seal the bags, (& etc. other uses I'm sure) and the internet being a wonderful place, of course there is somewhere I can have some stickers made. I think this is also a nice way to further spread out my pattern across multiple things.

REALISATION: Blog entry 24

As I've been trying to think up ideas for my packaging for my outcome, I started looking at this nook for eco packaging for some ideas...

Belroy Wallet sleeve - Hadrien Monoloup
"They went with something a little different then traditional wallet companies, and created a really nice envelope created from card. The bonus is that this package is be able to be sent in the post so that anyone who has ordered a wallet gets the Bellroy experience from the moment it's delivered to their hands. They wanted to give the customer something more than a box that gets thrown out, this envelope starts the Bellroy experience for them from the moment it hits their hands. The packaging is post ready and the way it looks in the photos is the way that it gets sent out. Plus use of card is a little softer on the environment too.
 (Minguet et al. Pg. 21, 2012)

 I love this idea with the envelope! Am unsure how I would use it with my current ideas though...possibly on the seed packets? Inside the cover of a book? Could be a good way to give more information; simple image/design on the outer packaging, open up the seed packet after for more info, a pattern that you could keep? 

Plant your dreams and let them grow - Sophia Georgopoulou
“The actual tulip flowers and their unique names (e.g. Red Emperor, Pink Diamond, Sweetheart, etc.) inspired me to create a series of ecological and interactive self promotion package-gifts for 2011 containing tulip bulbs. The illustrations created on the packs were inspired by the name of each unique tulip.”
Plant your dreams and let them grow - Sophia Georgopoulou
 (Pg. 24, 2012)

These next two designs has made me think more about the specifics of my product! the things that I will need to include on it...I could do with buying a couple of samples so that I can see what needs to be included so that I can incorporate this into my design.
This first one by Sophia Georgopoulou (above), I really like the little bags and the string, the natural materials used - fits in with the crafty/trendy aesthetic that I want my products to embody - very appealing at present, however I don't want to completely over do it with this look and have it looking like something that belong in a national trust gift shop that includes a pot of jam...
I also really like this work by Adam Peterson & Santi Tonsukha (below), a more modern and clean design, still using brown card..give the packaging an 'eco' feel. I'd like my finished product to strike a middle ground between these tow styles.
Grown your own - Adam Peterson & Santi Tonsukha
Grown your own - Adam Peterson & Santi Tonsukha
(Pg. 70, 2012)
Minguet, J., Abellán, M., Jordà, A. and Traducciones, B. (2012). Eco packaging design. Barcelona: Monsa.

Friday, 21 November 2014

REALISATION: Blog entry 23

Today I started playing with ideas for a pattern to go on seed packets...after a little bit of research to what flowers would be good to use, I decided on a mix of wild flowers (good for attracting a wide range of insects etc.) I was just messing around with this, but i'm not keen on it. I need to spend more time, and think about how I'm going to do this more...this just looks messy, although might work as a background pattern for something else maybe??

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

REALISATION: Blog entry 22

This is what I have spent today doing; building up layers of different patterns, and also experimenting with the style that I developed last semester, and thinking about if I should leave this behind (?).
I've spent too long looking at this today...the background pattern, with the insects I made yesterday, but the two patterns of sparrows have been put together today, and all sorts of fannying around to get it to repeat and look ok. I digress; Ive spent too much time looking at this to have any kind of opinion on it right now - I'll add an update tomorrow.

Monday, 17 November 2014

REALISATION: Blog entry 21

These aren't the best photos; the weathers has been rubbish, so I didn't bother to take my good camera with me, really I just needed to document them for now, and see if the glue would hold, and also the chain to hang them with. Should I decided to take these further, I will do some much nicer photographs (assuming we actually have nice weather that is..).

As well as he tea cups that I painted myself, I also bought some from antiques shop to experiment with also. These are nice and all, but I think I prefer the ones with my own pattern on - fits better with the rest of the project, and my goal to have all of my items with my pattern spread across them.

REALISATION: Blog entry 20