Monday, 6 October 2014

REALISATION: Blog entry 4

After my tutorial I've taken to the library to look at some books, and get some ideas in relation to patterns...
Hella Jongerious Nymphenburg Sketches 2004
Hella Jongerious Nymphenburg Sketches 2004

Hella Jongerious Nymphenburg Sketches 2004
Hella Jongerious Nymphenburg Sketches 2004
(Schmidt, Tietenberg and Wollheim, 2005)

I've included these because I think it's a really unusual and interesting way to use pattern, and maybe this is something that I could use in my own work. I've been trying to come up with ways I could apply patterns that stray away from typical textile furnishings and accessories..this is an excellent idea, although I'm not yet sure how this would translate to my own work.

Deanne Cheuk Paris Pyramids 2006
(Perry, 2008)

I love how this one all blends together so seamlessly, and I love that it's all watercolour...maybe I could have a go at making one like this? (Or are my computer generated images better???) I want to have a crack at making one of these, but I think I need to do more research into making repeat patterns first... 
Another thing I really like about this one is the detail in the background, it gives such a good impression of the environment that the birds live in, and this is something that I have been struggling to think of how to do within my own patterns.
Joy by Mel Lim
Joy by Mel Lim

Joy by Mel Lim

Joy by Mel Lim
(Surya, 2008)

These ones by Mel Lim, I love all the spots and dots, and different textures, and the pattern just seems to have so many different layers to it! It works really well, I think thats what I need to work on more with my own patterns, is making them lots thicker, with more going on. I also like the use of the creatures silhouette. 
What I also find really interesting with these patterns is how she takes part of it and applies to many other products (although I only managed to find a small selection here) this works really well, and links all of her work together. This is what I wanted with mine, if I were to produce lots of different outcomes.

Hanna Werning
(Surya, 2008)

I love the simple shapes in this one, I'm not too keen on all the bright colours; through my patterns i've been sticking to  muted colour pallet of the colours of the bird, which I really like, but I jut love the really simple shapes of this one.

Amanda Dilworth
(Style, 2010)

Solid shapes and this, could combine with dots and textures to create and really detailed pattern.
Lotta Bruhn

(Style, 2010)

Animals using really simple shapes. This is something that I need to work on more with my own images, get down just how simple I am going to make things, Bruhn does this really well.

Perry, M. (2008). Over and Over. 1st ed. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, p.42.

Schmidt, P., Tietenberg, A. and Wollheim, R. (2005). Patterns in design, art and architecture. 1st ed. Basel [Switzerland]: Birkhäuser, pp.142 - 143.

 Style, B. (2010). Print & pattern. 1st ed. London: Laurence King.

Surya, S. (2008). Patterns. 1st ed. Berlin: DOM publishers.

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